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  • adebruyne

Customer Service is the Heart of Every Business

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

I have had my fair share of experiences dealing with people who are supposed to provide customer service only to have it be an epic fail. In these cases I was left frustrated and bewildered; swearing I wouldn't do business with them anymore.

The bad experiences I have had led me to make customer service the backbone of my business. I incorporate it into every meeting, every service call, every sales call - into everything I do. It really isn't rocket science to provide good customer service. In fact, there are some very simple things you can do:

  1. Listen..period. If you don't listen how will you know what your client or potential client needs or wants. Take notes! Don't rely on your memory because it can and will fail you when you need it the most.

  2. Ask questions. It is OK to ask questions - this is how you learn what your client needs or to clarify something they previously said. The more you know and understand what your client is looking for the better prepared you are to present the right solution.

  3. Be honest. It is almost impossible for you to know everything about everything. How you handle that makes all the difference. Don't simply say I don't know - say great question or idea, let me find out for you. If you have the chance to make a call or send the request with your client in front of you will also go a long way with them - it shows your are invested in them and their success. If there is something you or your product can't do, tell them why - don't leave your client wondering why not.

  4. Do what and respond when you say you will. One of the most annoying things I run into is people not responding or not following through with what they say they are going to do. If your clients have to chase after you for answers, solutions or whatever it is they won't be your clients for long.

  5. Go the extra mile. This could be as simple as letting your clients know about an upcoming update or just checking in to see how they are doing. Answering questions or providing help even if it isn't exactly what you do. Giving them a referral if they need a product you don't offer.

I do all of these all of the time. Whether it be a new client or an existing one - providing the best customer service is the foundation I built my business on. Even when I worked for others these are the key things I have always done.

I encourage everyone to try them as well and see what a difference it makes.

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